Thursday, September 24, 2009

Officially Married!!

I know! I've completely SUCKED at blogging the last MONTHS! But I am excited to say Chris and I are now a married couple =) Our wedding day was AMAZING and we couldn't have asked for a better turn out! We had a great time, and by the time the Limo came at 10:30 we were EXHAUSTED! And now today we are SUPPOSE to sign on our house at 1:30. I'm crossing my fingers extra tight, with our luck somehow we always get screwed!! Here are some pictures from the wedding..I hope you enjoy. Can't wait to see our professional ones =) Sorry this blogs so short, I will get back into the habit when things settle down a bit =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Last Minute Kind of Girl

Man its been quite the busy week! Getting things taken care of for the wedding. It's 2 weeks away. Where has time gone??? I made our unity sand jar, and bought a lot of things off my "misc. list" it feels good to get it all accomplished!!!

September 17th at 8AM we have our FINAL walk through for our new home! We are both very excited! We went there last night to take a look, and for the first time it was somewhat CLEAN. You can tell someone had vaccumed the carpets, it was a nice feeling. Usually there are all sorts of things laying around that the construction workers left behind. We have a GREEN front yard, our trim on our house is finally painted, same with our shutters and front door. It looks AWESOME! Besides the few touch ups inside that need to be done, dings in the wall, stuff like that, I can finally say our house IS COMPLETE! We have a storage shed full of stuff, furniture at the Ashley Store warehouse, Fridge at Sears Warehouse and washer waiting to be moved in! Hopefully we will get a computer before we make the move so I can post TONS of pictures! They are on my camera just waiting to be shown!

With the week 2 weeks away Chris agreed in letting me bring one of my best friends, Sarah onto the bridal party. Last minute I know, but I'm glad he agreed. Sarah was originally already planning on being there ALL day with us the day of (her husband is a groomsmen as well) to help me with my makeup and misc things like any best friend does. But it feels more RIGHT knowing she will be up there waiting for me to walk down the isle! We are both VERY excited, both her and her husband are VERY good friends of Chris and I's and in the last 6 months we've all gotten a ton closer!!!

I will try and update as much as I can. With the wedding being 2 weeks away i'm busy busy! Hope to see everyone there on our special day!