Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kennel Crazy

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter =) Not a lot has been going on around our household. Chris is still in school, but now goes Tuesdays and Thursdays and then most Saturday's. Luckily he has had the last couple Saturday's off so that's been nice. But this Saturday he's back to school. We made the mistake when we moved into our house, on not letting our sod sit long enough before allowing the dogs on it. Which means 90% of our yard was DESTROYED. Chris put up a ghetto fence in the middle of our yard to divide it, so he ripped up the sod and prepped it and then laid some fertilizer and seed. I came home from work on Monday and somehow Broady and Abby had gotten over the fence Chris built, and onto the side of the yard they werent suppose to be on, and messed everything up! SO we decided it was time to invest in a dog kennel, and during the day that's where they will be! Although we have mixed feelings about keeping them kenneled for 8+ hours a day...we know that if we want a nice yard we can enjoy--it HAS to be done. Off to lowes we went, purchased everything we needed, and by 9 that night, our kennel was up! Getting them into the Kennel yesterday morning was EASY! I was surprised. They followed me right in there. When i got you can see...they were ready to be let out! And they were SO hyper!

As you can see it isnt a TINY Kennel. So i think that over time, they will find comfort in their new area! We are going to lay concrete around the edges so they cant ever dig out. And lay a small pad to put the nice doghouse that Chris is building for them. I thought getting them in the Kennel today was giong to be A LOT harder since they now knew what it was. But once again they all follwed me in there! I dont think it will be bad as we both thought at first. They are still allowed to be out and run wild--as long as we are there to supervise! We do need to get better at taking them for walks. and once hunting season comes, I think they will get plenty of exercise!!!

Since our dogs are being kept from destroying what little yard we have left, and the weather is getting nicer, I am SO excited to start getting our yard looking good and being able to use it for BBQ's and just plain relaxation! I will definitely start taking some pictures, and once our yard is somewhat back to normal, i think some before and after pictures are a MUST! We are going to extend our patio as well...and next summer I was promised some nice patio furniture!! WOOHOO!