Thursday, May 20, 2010

We're alive

It's been awhile..I know. I've been bad at blogging lately. But we are alive and doing well. As most of you may know (not too sure a whole lot of people read this) we have happily announced that we are expecting a baby!

My first appointment was on May 7th and it went very well! He did an ultra sound and I was pretty much right on with how far I was thinking I was. My first due date was 12/19 and then after the ultra sound, the baby was measuring about a week small so that pushed it to 12/26. He said that's typically normal and at my 12 week ultra sound the measurements will be more accurate and that will be the date we go by. So we will see. I go to the DR on the 26th again and get to have another ultra sound. I'm super excited because I think it will look more like a baby then a dot =) We did get to hear the heartbeat and it all was an amazing experience. We are super duper excited and can't wait to find out what we're having to start the preparations!

(This was our ultra sound May 7th, I was 7w 6d)

Our good friends Cecilia and Tony welcomed their son Mason James on May 18th at 4:04 PM. He was 6 weeks early so he only weighs 4lbs 3oz and was 18inches long. He is in the NICU but doing really well. Has been breathing on his own since birth! Cecilia is doing well also, and is expected to be discharged today. They are thinking they will have to keep Mason around 10 days. We got to see him last night and he's SUPER cute. We are sooo happy for them =)