Monday, July 27, 2009

July 25th, My worst day of the year

July 25th is the day that I dread every year. It brings back all the memories of the hardest day/weekend of my life. Saying good-bye to one of the people you charish most in life is by far the hardest thing i've ever had to do. As this years July 25th came and went, not only was I happy it was over with, but I was amazed that it has already been 4 years since God called Linny up to heaven. As much as I miss her DAILY, I was surprised that it really doesnt feel like it's been 4 years. More so now then ever, I've been struggling with it a lot more then usual. With the wedding, and the building of our first home, its times like those that I feel her loss more then ever. The fact that she won't be there in person for my big special day, leaves an emptyness I thought I was prepared for. I know that the empty hole will never be filled, but I can say... on Sunny days, I do feel her with me. With the sun shining down, I can just picture her face glowing, in her nike tennis shoes, sports bra, and shorts, working in the yard. Its memories like that I will hold onto forever.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I suck

I know.. I've completely SUCKED with keeping up with the blog! SORRY! We have been so insanely busy with the wedding, and the house its CRAZY! The wedding is close to 9 weeks away! I can't believe it! keep it short and sweet! They started our house about July 7th. I have taken A TON of pictures, but of course our computer crashed so I havent been able to upload them yet. I have taken some on my phone though which i will put at the bottom of this post! As of last night all the windows and sliding glass door were IN, looks as if the trusses will be started today. Its VERY exciting. Hope you enjoy the pictures. It has been SO NEAT to see the progress EVERY DAY! They even work SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! I'm excited to get everything painted, moved in, and see the pictures from dirt, to DONE!