Thursday, June 17, 2010

Picture give away!

Check out this awesome give away! It could be used for anyyything! How great?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

There's always someone to pray for...

2 blog posts in 1 week!?! CRAZY! haha. I told myself that I need to get better at blogging. Not just for the (few) people that read it..but for me. Its sort of like a journal. The more I blog, the more I have to look back on, and I love the idea of that!

There's a blog that I keep up with regularly. I saw the article in the tri city herald about the car accident that involved Caleb (Cale) Darling, the article had a link to his blog and ever since then I've read it daily. My heart cant help but ache for his wife Kathleen, being a wife myself, I couldn't imagine being in her shoes. For someone i've never met, I can already say she's one of the toughest people I "know." Her outlook on the situation is amazing, her faith in God is so strong, and leaning on God is what has helped her get through this crazy nightmare. I include the Darling family in my nightly prayers as I know a lot of people around the world do. Cale and his recovery can never have too many people praying for him, So I ask you to take a peak at their blog...and include them in your prayers as well! In her post yesterday, she posted about another young woman who is in the same situation as herself, who is needing prayers as well. If that's the least we can do...why not?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nausea Nausea Go Away..

So as of Monday I hit my 12 week mark. Now i'm patiently waiting for this nausea to go away. I promised it, if it left I wouldn't be mad, nor would I miss it. I'm also waiting for SOME of my energy to come back to me. We had a DR appointment a couple weeks ago that went well. The DR said my placenta bleeding looked like it had stopped, there was still 1 spot left but he said over time it will heal itself. So the anti-biotics worked. Although they were NASTY! I had the taste like I had sucked on a penny all day in my mouth for a WEEK after I was DONE with the meds. But's all for a good cause right?

I was 10w 3d at our last appointment and this was our ultrasound picture. Looks more like a gerbil then a peanut =) It sure has grown in the 2 weeks between the appointments!

We have our 12 week ultra-sound next week. I was told by then it will look more like a human baby then a pet or a food =) I will be 13w 3d at the next ultra sound so I know it will be pretty amazing to see the HUGE change in 3 short weeks.

Other then the nausea and extreme tiredness the pregnancy is going well. I cant wait to be obviously showing instead of looking extremely fat. I cant wait to feel the baby move, and I can't wait to find out the sex so we can start preparing the nursery and all of the fun stuff that comes along with that!!