Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nausea Nausea Go Away..

So as of Monday I hit my 12 week mark. Now i'm patiently waiting for this nausea to go away. I promised it, if it left I wouldn't be mad, nor would I miss it. I'm also waiting for SOME of my energy to come back to me. We had a DR appointment a couple weeks ago that went well. The DR said my placenta bleeding looked like it had stopped, there was still 1 spot left but he said over time it will heal itself. So the anti-biotics worked. Although they were NASTY! I had the taste like I had sucked on a penny all day in my mouth for a WEEK after I was DONE with the meds. But hey..it's all for a good cause right?

I was 10w 3d at our last appointment and this was our ultrasound picture. Looks more like a gerbil then a peanut =) It sure has grown in the 2 weeks between the appointments!

We have our 12 week ultra-sound next week. I was told by then it will look more like a human baby then a pet or a food =) I will be 13w 3d at the next ultra sound so I know it will be pretty amazing to see the HUGE change in 3 short weeks.

Other then the nausea and extreme tiredness the pregnancy is going well. I cant wait to be obviously showing instead of looking extremely fat. I cant wait to feel the baby move, and I can't wait to find out the sex so we can start preparing the nursery and all of the fun stuff that comes along with that!!

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