Monday, October 12, 2009

Where to Start?

So I am very much aware how stinkin far behind I am with our blog. I don't even know where to start. Not only am I SO far behind, I also had to find some inner strength to blog about everything I need to... so here it goes:

On September 5th 2009, 2 weeks before our wedding, God took a very special man in my life and called him up to heaven. Lonnie Cook lost his battle with LMS at around 10PM that night. Lonnie and my dad have been the best of friends since they were in high school, I've always known him as "uncle lonnie" and would be the most excited little girl when he'd come visit us when we lived in Yakima. It absoloutely broke all of our hearts. He left behind his beautiful wife and 2 little girls. Kamryn is only 4, and she's a spinning image of her daddy! Lonnie was the most amazing man and everyone who has ever met him would say the same. He took a piece of all of us with him to heaven and we miss him dearly. It was an EXTREMELY hard week for the DeWitt family...but what we do know, Is Linny is up there whippin him into shape =) not only does he have a great Woman keeping him company, but he is no longer in pain and no longer suffering... and that in itself is a blessing.

We miss you Lonnie! And we will continue to each and every day! We will see you again someday!!

After 2 short weeks of healing, I was heading down the isle, and our wedding day was amazing. I couldnt have asked for anything more.

Married Life is amazing. I didnt expect for much to change, but I feel like we fell in love all over again. And since a week after we were married we got the keys to our new home and have been INSANELY busy getting the yard put in so we can live in it, we havent had ANY "us time" which i'm hoping to change this weekend. I dont know how yet..but i'll figure something out to surprise my wonderful, hard working husband with some sort of date night =) which we are both needing the attention from one-another.

Last night Chris, Thomas and John finished our fence! All that was left is the gate, and since Chris' work was canceled for today (lucky duck!) he has plenty of time to do it before school. That way I can open the door, let the dogs out with NO WORRIES for the first time since I got them!! Our sod is in, sprinklers are in. OUR YARD IS DONE (well..the must haves anyways!)
There are a few things we'd like to do EVENTUALLY but just stuff for our benefit =)

The inside of the house is coming together slowly. The majority of things are un-packed. I just cant figure out WHERE to start putting stuff. I'm super stressed and overwhelmed because I want it to be warm, inviting, nice, and 'grown up' so we will see!

I will get pictures posted soon (once Chris' fixes my camera!)

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