Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Latest

I cant believe its almost February! That totally blows me away! I know I havent updated for a while and I just wanted to post something really quick to let everyone know I didnt forget I had a blog =) For some reason I'm SO tired today so the long elaborate post I was shooting for, will have to wait until tomorrow.

BUT I can say that my Dad and Step Mom are in San Fransisco for my brother Hunter's Marine Corp graduation. How exciting is that!! I just want to say how extremely proud of Hunter we are! He is going to do some amazing things for this country and we are so VERY lucky to have him serving us. Can't wait for him to come home tomorrow night!!!

Hopefully I can kick this headache that's been lingering the last week and get some blogging going =) Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!!!

Until next time..


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