Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good-Bye 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, I cant help but think of HOW FAST this year has completely flown by. I remember anxiously awaiting 2009 because that meant I was getting married THIS year. Now that it's all done and over with I cant believe it!! We made it alive through another year!

2009 was a great year for us. We took 2 huge steps in life, marriage and buying a home. We couldn't be happier where we stand today. We are adjusting to married life still, and enjoying every second, good and bad. We have made some great friends, let go of people who did more harm then good, and continued to strengthen friendships and relationships we've had for years. We definitely have a lot more to experience and learn, but we are looking forward to it. Bring on 2010 and let the memory making continue =)

2010 New Years Revolution: Save AS much money as we can, become debt free, eat and become more healthy.

We wish everyone a VERY happy and SAFE new years! Hug loved ones closer, mend stupid burnt bridges, and appreciate all you have! tomorrow is never promised!

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