Thursday, December 3, 2009

#23- New Found Traditions

Today (pretending its Wednesday) I am thankful for my first Christmas with my husband as man and wife. I am thankful for the opportunity to create and start our own traditions, that maybe someday will be passed to our children. I wish my parents had started at tradition or two when I was young. Although they didn't, I always knew I wanted to. So we started one this year for Christmas. Every year we are going to pick an ornament for our tree that best describes us as a couple/family for the last year. I thought it would be fun for us, to see how we "see" ourselves. And also something neat we could hand down to our kids one day. So this being our first year, we bought an ornament called "New Home" its a big key with a saying on it. Which symbolizes that this year we became First time home owners, and we LOVE it. Its a big milestone we accomplished together =)

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