Friday, July 16, 2010

Falling behind

I've totally fallen off of the blogging band wagon. In fact, I think I've fallen off of ALL band wagons. The cooking, cleaning, all of that has been put on hold for when I have the slightest energy to do a few chores at a time. SO on Sunday I will be 17 weeks. The nausea is still holding on STRONG. In fact the last 2 weeks I've been the sickest I've been so far in my pregnancy. (So much for going away at 12 weeks right??) I'm still holding onto faith that my day of feeling GREAT and glowing is just around the corner!!!

Wednesday I had my 16 week check up. I had actually lost almost 5lbs since my last appointment from being so sick and my appetite disappearing on me. (Don't worry, I'm still eating!!!) they did measurements and everything looked great! Baby's heart beat was a strong 156 and you could hear him/her flipping around like CRAZY! I can NOT wait until I can feel all of that movement!!

On June 16th we had our 12 week check up/ultra sound. It is AMAZING to see the change in the baby in just a couple short weeks. He/she looked like a baby..not a peanut or a small animal. It was amazing!!! He/she was bouncing all over the place, and sucking their thumb. It made everything seem so much more real!!!

In 2 1/2 weeks (August 3rd) we have our appointment with a specialist for an ultrasound. Which means we get to find out the sex of our baby!!! We are sooo sooo excited (although Chris is CONVINCED its a boy) We are excited to find out so we can start the nursery and all that fun stuff!!!

I was surprised at work from Chris today with some PRETTY flowers and a super sweet card :) he wasn't in the "dog house" and there wasnt a special occasion. Just because i've been so sick lately and he wanted to make me feel better!! I couldn't ask or a better husband, best friend and soon to be daddy!!

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