Friday, August 6, 2010

If you haven't already heard (which i'm sure you have!)

It's a BOY!! Chris and I went to the Specialist on Tuesday August 3rd to have our ultra sound to rule out downs. The first thing our nice tech asked us was if we knew what we were having. We said No. She asked if we wanted to know. We said YES. So she put the warm (yes warm not cold..weird huh?) gel on my belly and put the wand on. First thing that popped up on the screen? You guessed it, spread legs and boy parts! As soon as I looked at the screen and said Oh my! and looked over at Chris who was grinning ear to ear. And she confirmed, that in fact yes its a boy!!

After showing us his goodies, he decided he didn't want to cooperate very well. He curled up on my right side and wouldn't move. She was trying to get toes and fingers counted and he was being a little complicated!! Sitting on his hands, keeping his hands on his face, curled in a ball. She tried shaking my tummy and he still wasn't moving. She had me lay on both sides which finally got him to move enough she could get most of the pictures that she was needing!

Not only are we SO excited for a baby boy, we are also SOO SOO excited that he had NO markers for downs at all. Although my blood test was not considered positive, my doctors scale is a lot more "strict" then others, so he still sends people to be safe. Braxton looked completely healthy! All measurements were on target for being 19 weeks.

So far he has not been a very active baby. I feel him from time to time but not like I want to! A lot of my pregnant friends talk about how their baby is kicking ALL day, moving, rolling, flipping. I'm hoping to feel more movement with time, the movement I feel now isnt very strong. Not strong enough for Chris to feel. I've heard that around 22 weeks is when it gets stronger and more constant so I'm hoping that will be the case. So far it's looking like he likes to sleep and hang out. Hopefully he will come out with those great sleeping habbits.. I can only hope right!? haha.

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