Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Far Far Behind

I know. I'm farrrrr behind! Things have been quite BUSY!

The last 2 weekends I've had Bridal Showers! Last weekend (The 15th) I had the Bridal shower for my moms side. And the weekend before (the 8th) My bridal shower with my step mom and Dad. Both Showers had an AWESOME outcome and we got A TON of stuff!!! Infact, we still have a trip or two to our storage unit to get all of our crap out of my grandparents dining area!

The wedding is 4 weeks away and counting! Man has time flown by! The guys went Saturday morning and got fitted for their tuxes. While they were doing that my step mom and I went and got pedicure and manicures. Boy was that needed! It was nice to relax and enjoy our time together! Everything for the most part is done for the wedding. Is it bad that I'm almost anxious for it to be over?

Our house is looking AWESOME! Last week they completed sheet rock, sanding and texturing of the walls! It looks like a REAL house! This week they should get a lot of the cosmetic things knocked out...like flooring, cabinets. etc. We are SO excited to see those things taking their places, we are sooo anxious for it to be done and start our lives together in our new home that we OWN. Our finish date was moved from September 30th to September 21st. (2 days after our wedding!) Since the USDA loans are SO FAR behind we are hoping that this week our house will be at least 90% done so they can order a half appraisal, which the government OK'd them to do to speed up the process, since they are so far behind. Once we are 90% complete they will order the appraisal, which will get us in line. Then when our house is 100% complete that will be sent to our file which has hopefully moved up in line. By the time they look over our file, everything will be there. HOPEFULLY its not TOO LONG after the 21st!

I will post pictures sometime this week! Hope everyone is doing well, and Hope to see you on the 19th of September. If you have not RSVP'd pleaseeeeee do so! www.mywedding.com/chrisandalexisforever.

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