Monday, June 1, 2009

Building it is!

Oh how I DONT like Mondays! But this Monday isnt as bad as MOST Mondays.. But I do have good news =)

Friday we went to Golf to get pre-approved for our mortgage and WE DID! We pretty much got pre-approved for whatever we wanted to spend, but we decided our MAX was $155,000. We were super scared about Chris' credit score.. since it was in the mid 500's about 4 months ago. And to our surprise his MIDDLE score was 637! The minimum for FHA was 620. We didnt really expect his credit score to be over 600..and we were SO shocked that it had jumped that much!! We were so excited! I was pretty set on NOT building because in my mind that was WAY to long away! But after looking over a few houses on the Market that had 1 to 2 things IF we were lucky that we wanted in a house..and it was our max price of what we wanted to spend we decided to go check out Hayden homes like my dad recommended. Christine the sales associate was SO nice! She walked us through a completed Klamath and I fell IN LOVE! So we went back to her office and looked at the upgrade paperwork, and we did close to $14,000 in upgrades! So this house will have EVERYTHING we want and I will litereally probably NEVER move again! I'm so excited! Wednesday we go and pick out our lot, we put down $500 to secure our lot. Then the beginning of July we will go sign a contract and they will start building. It will be completed 90 days from when they break ground, and I think we'll get more specific dates Wednesday! So it will be completed not long after the wedding! Which the more I look at it, the more perfect it is. We have until October to continue to save without a mortgage payment, and we may get money for gifts at the wedding which we could use to buy our Washer & Dryer that I want, as well as our Fridge and help with the cost of new furniture! We also plan on laying Sod and putting up our fence AS SOON as we get the permission to do so, and I'll also go in and paint! I will probably take some of my vacation time at that time so we can get it DONE and we can move in with our pups!! We are SO EXCITED!!!!! Below is our floor plan!

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