Monday, June 22, 2009

Everything at once!

So I am pretty aware of the fact that i've been extremely slacking on the blogging! So lets get up to par!!

Engagment pictures. They are up on the website but they expire today. When they take them down? I have no idea! I just checked and as of right now they are still there. Passcode is Brodaczynski. At first we werent very happy with the outcome, but after they were put online and I had the chance to look through them on my own time without being rushed I grew to LOVE them. Chris on the other hand begs to differ. I dont think its the PICTURES themselves. I think its Cole. He called Cole last week to express our feelings, and said he was a big time JERK. So.. needless to say Chris is NOT very happy right now what so ever. I sure do hope the big day turns out to be okay though, and no words are exchanged. YIKES!

Sunday we went and signed the contract for our house. The start date is July 2nd and our "promised" date is September 30th! We are very excited considering we were expecting Mid-October to be our finish date. We do know how contruction works though, so we arent going to hold our breath for September 30th. But Christine assured us that they usually dont have a problem with it, at least now. Since they got a new project manager she said they have been kicking butt when it comes to closing on houses. We are pretty confidant that it will all work out! We are SO EXCITED to start watching the progress, and even more excited to get our keys! September will be a HUGE month for us. Getting married the 19th and then 11 days days letter closing on our house. Not only is it EXTREMELY exciting, but its EXTREMELY stressful. We were laying in bed last night thinking of EVERYTHING we have left to pay for. Although the list for the wedding is shrinking by the day.... our list for our house is growing. Blindes, furniture, washer and dryer, sod, fencing supplies, ETC. My stress level is sky high trying to think of all the money we have to come up with. I just need to put my faith in God! Somehow it will all work out! If that means we are using bean-bags and plastic chairs for furniture for a few months, SO BE IT, because its OUR HOUSE. Our first house, a house we OWN, not rent but OWN. We could sleep on the floor and live on Ramen noodles and I'd be one HAPPY Camper! I just need to push the stress asside and BREATHE. This is a very happy time for us, and its a time that we should ENJOY. Soak it up and ENJOY.

When Septembers over I dont know what i'll do with myself. Not having a wedding to plan and stress out about, not having a house being built to stress even MORE about. It will be weird to go back to living a 'normal' life. It will be NICE but weird. It will be nice to enjoy the newlywed life, the new home owner life, and enjoy each others company in our own space. I can't wait. As excited as I am for the wedding, and the house. I'm almost more excited for it to be over!

Not only was Sunday the day that we signed the contract for our house, but it was Father's Day! I made a couple trips to wal-mart Sunday (go figure!) and I found myself lost in observing all of the little kids with their dads, especially the little girls. The little girls that eyes just sparkled when they would listen to their dad speak. That were clinging to their dad and faces were lit with happiness. It made me remember what I was like at that age. My dad could do no wrong, he was most definately my hero, and to this day he still is. There are SO many kids out there that have to grow up without their father, without that bond, sparkle in their eye, and best friend. I was SO lucky to get the guy I did to call my dad. Not only is he my dad but he's by far my best friend. He's the person I turn to when I feel lost. He's the person I turn to when I need advice even knowing that he isnt going to tell me what I want to hear but the truth, and only because he loves me! He's the person that I find myself comparing all my relationships to (poor Chris), he's the person I want to be. That man loves his family more then anything, and would do anything within his power for me and my brothers. We have ALWAYS had that close relationship, i've always been a daddys girl, but that bond was totally strengthened with the passing of my Grandma Lin. We found ourselves leaning on each other, crying with each other, calling each other. He was my strenght to get through it all, I will never forget the day...the FIRST day i've ever seen my father cry. When I got that phone call, that it was time... and I needed to come say good-bye. It was a Friday and I rushed over to be with my family, and more importantly enjoy my last moments I had with Linny. When I first got there my dad told me not to be surprised if she didnt know who I was, not to let it hurt my feelings, she hadn't really talked all day, or been aware of who was and wasn't there. I took a deep breath, clutched his hand, and walked towards the room she was in... I walked in not knowing what to expect, she definately didnt look like herself, she looked horrible, I knew time wasn't in our favor, and I didnt expect to get any words from her. With both our surprise, she opened her eyes, looked at us.. said "LEX!" and started bawling... and I lost it, but he was there behind me, to assure me it was going to be okay... WE were going to be okay. He always puts others before himself, his appearance totally throws you off. Most people are intimidated, but once you get to know him, you know he really is just a big teddy bear! I just think of how its going to be in September, when he's walking me down the isle to give me away to Chris, my soon to be husband. To put my hand in his and trust him enough to give me away, to trust Chris with me and my well being. Never did I think my dad would accept ME, his little girl, his ONLY girl to get married, but in all honesty he's my biggest fan. He loves Chris, he's taken Chris in under his wing since day 1. I think we are a lot alike, I think he saw what I did in Chris from day one. I keep thinking of September 19th and how big of an emotional wreck i'm going to be. I cant even listen to the father daughter song NOW without bursting into tears. It will be one happy day though, and I'm more thankful then ever that I will have my dad by my side walking me down the isle, I know there are a lot of girls that dont have that, and i'm very thankful that I do.

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