Monday, June 8, 2009

Where did the weekend go???

This weekend went by WAY to fast for my liking!! Friday I was off at 2:30 so I could go to my little brothers graduation. I can't believe he's a high school graduate already!! To me he's still 10 years old! The toyota center was a complete MAD HOUSE! Not only was traffic crazy, we saw a pretty big wreck in passing, but it was like 100 degrees in there!!! My favorite part was when they recognized everyone going into the service. I was in shock with how many people enlisted in all of the different services.

The rest of the weekend we kept busy. We had my cousins birthday party Saturday afternoon. We came home to realize ALL 3 of our dogs had gotten out!! After finding them we fell asleep and woke up at 8! We then went out for a little bit, which was nice because we dont do that very often!! We met up with Ashley sunday for lunch at Brickhouse, it sounded SO GOOD! We chatted about our houses, and all of that fun stuff.

I can't believe that September is only 3 months away. In 3 months we will be married, it still seems so surreal. I'm glad that I have the house and stuff to think about as well, or I know i'd be a stressed out wreck!! We'll just see how "un-stressed" I can brag about being in the next month!

Chris at Isaacs birthday party sporting a party hat!
I want to start a "weightloss wednesday" blog. I'm hoping that will help me get more motivated, knowing that I have to report to my blog, for EVERYONE to read! As bad as I really want to lose the pounds, I've been EXTREMELY lazy! We're getting down to the wire, its time for me to buckle down and get determined. I know once I start i'll love it, its just starting the cycle of going to the gym. And getting in the habbit of keeping track of my calories! So wish me luck!!!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend =) I wish ours was more eventful to post about! Have a good week, and as always... I cant wait for the weekend!

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