Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good-Bye 2009

As 2009 comes to an end, I cant help but think of HOW FAST this year has completely flown by. I remember anxiously awaiting 2009 because that meant I was getting married THIS year. Now that it's all done and over with I cant believe it!! We made it alive through another year!

2009 was a great year for us. We took 2 huge steps in life, marriage and buying a home. We couldn't be happier where we stand today. We are adjusting to married life still, and enjoying every second, good and bad. We have made some great friends, let go of people who did more harm then good, and continued to strengthen friendships and relationships we've had for years. We definitely have a lot more to experience and learn, but we are looking forward to it. Bring on 2010 and let the memory making continue =)

2010 New Years Revolution: Save AS much money as we can, become debt free, eat and become more healthy.

We wish everyone a VERY happy and SAFE new years! Hug loved ones closer, mend stupid burnt bridges, and appreciate all you have! tomorrow is never promised!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shame on me!

I was doing so good =) and thennnn it all sort of slipped haha. I know i've been slacking. BUT in my defense (hehe) we had our first Christmas dinner in OUR house. Of course i procrastinated on EVERYTHING so the last couple weeks i've been stressing out! I made everyone's gifts which all turned out GREAT. So in 1 week I had to complete 10 gifts, clean my house spotless, and get stuff made for our xmas eve dinner. All in all it was a successful night! We had a ton of fun! Christmas was pretty laid back this year but we had fun visiting with family and relaxing with our dogs. Bailey is getting BIG and she's the funniest puppy i've ever met. She loves to play, and when she comes inside from going potty or being outside she gets SO HYPER i cant help but laugh. Everything is going well at our house. Trying to get Christmas stuff put away and our house back to normal. I have also been slacking on taking i will get on that as well =) Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and wishing everyone a happy new year as well!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I DID IT! I completed the 30 day challenge, and not falling behind a whole lot! Man am I proud of myself! I hope to continue to blog regularly, but the challenge was sort of hard some days!! For my final post I must say I am thankful for life! I am thankful to have an amazing husband, family and the ability to live life to the fullest!! My husband is my rock and my support and i'd be completely lost without him. My family is always there for me and we have a great time!! Today we are going to add to our family. Since Jackson found a new home, and Abby will here as well, we are getting a yellow lab. Small dogs need SO MUCH more attention then big dogs do. Abby and Jackson were not getting the attention they needed or deserved and made it obvious by digging up our yards and acting out. They were left outside all day and most of the weekends while we were out and about. Big dogs are OK with that, small dogs arent. and it wasnt fair to them!!! I know that once we have kids it would only get worse. So today we are going to Connell to pick up Bailey. She is a 15-week old purebread AKC yellow lab. We hope her and Broady hit it off well, as they will be hunting with Chris every weekend! Bailey is my Christmas present and i'm so excited! the people that are selling her sent me this picture last night:


Today (pretending its Tuesday) I am thankful for good people. I am thankful for people that open up their hearts and home. Monday, I found Jackson a new home. He wasn't getting the attention that he needed and I felt bad! So a mom and her 13-year old son took him home. She called me today to let me know how well it was going (we were both nervous it wouldnt work out because he didnt do well on a leash with me and he was being SO SHY) so i was so relieved to hear he was doing well and starting to really warm up to her son. I know her son will play with him and give him the attention he needs!! She said they even took him for a walk when they got him home and he did GREAT on a leash!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Today I am thankful to work at a company that does a lot of giving during the Holidays. The 2 owners got their dentists to donate toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss for the troops (we are sending over some goodies for them!) and we are also adopting a family in need. Not only that but they ordered pizza for lunch tomorrow for all of us to help out the police officers that were shot. If you would like to participate, if you order from Papa Johns tomorrow or Wednesday 20% of the proceeds go to help them. Just like when they did it for Alex and Taylor the two little girls who died in the car accident. How awesome is papa johns!?!


Today I am thankful for (Sunday 12/6) my husband doing household chores! Today was a productive day. He halfway made breakfast (biscuits and gravy) he finally put up the ceiling fan in our bedroom...woo-hoo!! AND mounted our TV in our bedroom! It was like Christmas at our house, I was a happy wife!


I am thankful for great neighbors!! Moving into our home we didnt know what to expect since its a brand new development and every night we'd go to check on our house, no one else was out there. But we have been blessed with some awesome neighbors. Well on one side at least. They are young, married and have an almost 2 year old. Chris being as friendly as he is sparked conversation with Brad a few weeks ago, last weekend he invited them over to BBQ which is when I met him and his wife Robin. And we all hit it off great! Saturday they invited US over there to BBQ and we watched the proposal, had a few drinks and had fun! I'm glad we found some friends!


I'm a bit behind so bare with me. Pretending today is Friday the 4th, i'm right on track =) hehe. and Today i'm going to be thankful for McDonalds breakfast!!! I know its not good for you, but it sure does make getting up early for work not so bad! It definately made it so I could make it through the work day! Friday's are hard for me to stay focused, i'm ready to be off work and enjoying my weekend!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today I am thankful for Christmas parties! I LOVE this time of year. and I love Christmas parties, an excuse to get dressed up with my husband and have a good time with co-workers, family and friends. This year we have 3 Christmas parties!!! One for my job, RCS. One for Chris' Job, Local 598. and one for our family business TEM! I'm so excited to get dressed up and have a good time!

#23- New Found Traditions

Today (pretending its Wednesday) I am thankful for my first Christmas with my husband as man and wife. I am thankful for the opportunity to create and start our own traditions, that maybe someday will be passed to our children. I wish my parents had started at tradition or two when I was young. Although they didn't, I always knew I wanted to. So we started one this year for Christmas. Every year we are going to pick an ornament for our tree that best describes us as a couple/family for the last year. I thought it would be fun for us, to see how we "see" ourselves. And also something neat we could hand down to our kids one day. So this being our first year, we bought an ornament called "New Home" its a big key with a saying on it. Which symbolizes that this year we became First time home owners, and we LOVE it. Its a big milestone we accomplished together =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

#22- Coupon Crazy!

So today I am thankful for the opportunity to use coupons to the fullest and SAVE MONEY! A lady that lives locally has a blog called fist full of coupons. She has been in the newspaper and on the news for saving HUNDREDS of dollars on grocery shopping! While reading her blog I noticed that she does FREE coupon classes. So i emailed her and am having one TONIGHT at my house. If you didnt get the invite and would like to come call me. Its at 6:30. But I am very thankful for the opportunity to LEARN how to coupon and save money! Her blog says she can show a family of 4 how to live off of 200$ a month for groceries, personal things like shampoo etc AND diapers!! We spend more than that on our family of TWO and no diapers needed!! SO wish me luck, hope I learn A LOT!