Friday, May 29, 2009

Crossing my fingers!


Today we have an appointment with Brad at Golf Savings to see what he can do for us as far as a mortgage goes! I'm super pumped AND SO nervous at the same time! I'm scared he'll say sorry you're SOL CYA! haha. From what I hear its easier to get approvd for a mortgage then an auto loan! I know we make more then enough, and our DTI is low! Its just the credit stuff. We just paid off some of Chris' stuff the beginning of this year. Since we are first time home buyers i'm hoping it will all work out! We were going to build, but decided to hold off on that. We need a house of our own ASAP especially with the wedding coming up I need my house to have girls nights and craft it up! Not only would we have to go through the 90+ days to wait for our house to be built, go through the building STRESS, we'd also have to wait even LONGER because we would HAVE to have our grass in and fence up before we moved in since we have the dogs. And as you all know that stuff doesnt come with the house when its built. SO we decided that for our first house bying something already built is probably the best way to go! And then when we save up and want something new sometime down the road we can build the house we WANT with all the extra goodies! =) So please cross your fingers and pray that everything works out for us! we need it =)

Also, I was just reading up on Lonnie's caringbridge and it looks as if the news wasn't good from his last scan =( If you want to know the details go to and type in lonniecook all one word. So i'm asking that EVERYONE please pray EXTRA HARD for him and his family!!!!

Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Picture perfect

Yesterday we had our engagment photo shoot. And Overall I think it went very well! If you know Chris and I you know that we arent really the picture perfect couple. I mean.. in our year of being together I think we have a total of like 5 pictures together. SAD I know! I'm going to work on that! I know that as time goes by, when I look back at it i'm going to regret not capturing all of our moments. We opened up and had A LOT of fun with Cole yesterday. On our way there I was thinking.. Oh great we're going to be the most boring people he's ever had to shoot haha but right away Chris and I opened up and had a BLAST. Doing all sorts of fun stuff. We have everything from cute photos, funny photos, photos that are just US and as Cole would say some "hot stuff" photos. I'm VERY excited to see how they look after he's done with them. I'm especially excited to see the outcome of our invites! Speaking of I need to look up some wording for them!!

Our long weekend didnt seem long enough! Friday night we went and watched movies and had dinner at Thomas and Sarahs. Their new baby Elise is so precious!

I took this picture when I was holding her. She's so tiny and cute!!

Chris watched his parents dogs this weekend while they went camping. I snapped this picture of Sam cuddling Chris on the big chair!

We BBQ'd with my family. And enjoyed our memorial day. Monday evening we made our trip to the cemetery. I LOVE the feeling of that place on Memorial day. Its so gorgeous with the hundreds of flags, and it was evening so the temp outside was perfect! Chris dropped me off at my Grandma's site and drove up the way to his Grandpa's. It was so relaxing for the first time in a LONG time to just sit there, and fill her in on life. Not a day goes by that I dont miss that women like CRAZY! Especially with the wedding creeping up on us, It's getting harder and HARDER to imagine my big day without her physically here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Arrival!

I was so excited to revieve a picture mail from our good friend Thomas this morning because I knew what it meant =) It meant their little one is finally here!! Sarah and Thomas are one of our best friends and they welcomed baby Elise Kaylyn Hallen this morning at 7:49 am. She was 6lbs 6oz and 19inches long! We are SOO excited for Sarah and Thomas and their little one they already have Ava. She's going to be such a good big sister!!

Here is the picture I recieved this morning of the beautiful miss Elise.

And here is a picture Sarah sent me yesterday at work of little miss Ava! Who i'm sure is a very proud big sissy!

We love you guys! and are so excited for the new addition =)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Total Energy Softball Bash For Cancer!!!

Summer Softball Bash for Cancer

Dates: 8/28 - 8/30
Location: Horn Rapids Complex, Richland.

Dear Fellow Business Associates:

It is that time of year to begin the organization process for this year’s 6th annual softball bash for cancer. Last year’s event produced profits in the amount of $17,200.00 which was disbursed to multiple Cancer Families in need of financial assistance.

A brief background for those of you whom are not familiar with the circumstances surrounding this tournament. Our mother (Lin DeWitt) was diagnosed with Primary Liver Cancer in April of 2004. With no medically accepted treatment for this specific type of cancer, Lin spent 17 months undergoing chemotherapy treatment with a variety of different medicines. Unfortunately, two weeks prior to the 2005 event, Lin succumbed to this dreadful, vicious disease. While not a day goes by that we don’t have Lin in our thoughts and prayers, we feel strongly that it is our mission to forge forward with this event, with hopes that we can brighten the day for another family in need.

At last years event we chose to dedicate a large portion of our efforts to two local families that were in need of our assistance. These two families both had boys that were battling brain cancer. The two young men; Aidan Zaugg, age 7 and Cooper Larsen, age 5 were in the midst of battling this horrible disease. Our mission of using this tournament as a means to give to people who are in need, had never been more clear.

For us to be in a position to carry out the passion and joy of our loved ones that have passed, to these boys and others in our community is beyond words. But what makes this tournament so special is the fact of what it is. It has become so much more than a softball tournament. It is a collection of wonderful, caring, and generous people united to accomplish great things. At last years event when we brought those boys out to the park, even in their weakened state, to see and experience the event was an incredible site. For the hundreds of people in attendance to see where their money and efforts were going. It was an incredibly moving and rewarding moment.

That moment summed up the purpose of our event; for the people of our community to get together in a positive and festive way to benefit our own citizens. Our own neighbors and friends and their friends and anyone else that we hear of that are in need of assistance. And unfortunately, as many of you may know, Aidan and Cooper both lost their battle with cancer. So this year we take the memory of them with us, along with the others that have passed before them, as we head forward to raise more money to bring hope and joy to other families who need it.

The support from family, friends and business associates through the first five years has been overwhelming, and greatly appreciated. At this time we are asking for donations to make this event a successful one, again. Any contribution i.e. cash, gift certificates, supplies would be gladly accepted and appreciated. All proceeds from this event will be donated to local cancer families in need.

Please feel free to contact:
Brad DeWitt: 727-1878
Aaron DeWitt: 727-1891
Mike Kirk: 308-1899
Brad Anderson: 727-1884

All Checks are to be made payable to:
TEM Softball Bash For Cancer
1975 Butler Loop Rd.
Richland, WA. 99352
Or direct deposit donations @
American West Bank - Any Branch
Acct# 4600106357

Weekend Wonders

Our weekend was once again pretty un-evenful. Not that i'm complaining =)
Friday I was off work at 2:30 I went home, crawled into some comfty clothes and watched some TV. I beat Chris home he was down at the union hall welding. When he got home he joined me in bed, we ate our favorite dip and some chips and fell asleep! We didnt wake up until about 8PM! We got dressed, went and ate at Arby's and headed to Morgans house and hung out there until like 1030 then returned home and went to bed, Chris had to be at school at 8am Saturday =(
While Chris was at school all day I went and hung out with my friend Caitlinn who was in the process of moving into their new house. and then met up with Reyna at the craft store to get an idea of what all i'd need for flowers. I decided to make my own boquets for the girls, I will have my bouquet made but everything else i'll make myself. Not only will it save us A LOT of money but it will be a fun activity all of the girls can get together for =) I'm excited to do a practice one and see how they turn out!!!

We get our engagment pictures done a week from tomorrow. We're excited! We're also excited to get our invitations drawn up. I know they'll turn out VERY cute!

Besides making our own flowers, there's not a whole lot of wedding stuff to update on. Still havent decided and agreed on what to do for food. That's a headache in itself!!!!

We are crossing our fingers, hoping and praying that within the next month we can start the building process on our house =)

Hope everyone had a FANTASTIC weekend! Dont forget to check back for those engagment i'm sure i'll post again before then!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This week has been quite un-eventful. Chris works Mon-Thurs and has school Mon, Wed and Saturday this week. He gets initiated into the union tonight so he will be gone this evening as well, so needless to say we havent seen a whole lot of each other this week. Mainly just when we are going to bed. Which may be a good thing considering he is trying to quit chewing (again) and my monthly cycle came to visit.... that's not a good combo! Two grouchy pants are never a good thing!! I feel as if i'm starting to catch something on top of having cramps, i've been taking a lot of naps since I worked 5:45 am- 2:30 pm this week. I looove my naps =)

We are still figuring out catering for the wedding. My grandma called a few places, i'm waiting on my dad to get back to me on a place, we're running numbers and trying to come up with a game plan. I'm extremely stressed with the wedding details and finances. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up September 19th with everything in order and ready to go.... what a day dream that is right???

Other then the stress i'm extremely excited for the big day to get here and in a way be over with!! Time is flying I feel like yesterday was October 4th and Chris was knelt on one knee (he had a hard time getting back up lol) and I still had 11 1/2 months to plan, and now its 4 months away!!!! I'm excited/nervous/excited (lol) for that day to get here. I know it will be here before I know it though so I should enjoy the time I have to get things ready!

We don't know what we're doing for a honey moon. If we do something it will be something small and inexpensive like a trip to the coast or something. I'd looooove to go to Hawaii but we'd rather use that big chunk of money to go towards the house we are hoping to start the building process in July! Maybe by the time our 1 year anniversary gets here we'll have some money stashed to go to Hawaii and enjoy our anniversary/late honeymoon on a beach in Hawaii. I've never been there! Infact i've never been anywhere lol except Jamaica like 10+ years ago. Although I remember almost ALL of that trip, it was definately a blast =)

This summer seems like it will be quite busy for us! We have the wedding crazyness, the cancer softball tournament the last weekend of Auguast. We're hoping to plan a family trip to Williams Lake the beginning of August, we didnt get to go last year, and I havent went the couple years before that because they always went the weekend of the softball tournament so I stayed home to take part in that! The softball tournament I hold very close to my heart, its a VERY VERY fun filled weekend with so many amazing people. A lot of the people we only see that weekend through out the whole year, a time for everyone to laugh, have some drinks, remember Linny and support the cause. Sunday's always a good day when we do the raffle, and cut the check to whoever's family this year we are helping out (this has yet to be dertermined) last year was divided between Cooper Larson and Aidan Zaugg. Cooper was able to come spend some time with us over the weekend, Aidian however was too sick. Since then both boys have lost their battles and are in our family prayers always.

Which brings me to remember this... please say a prayer for our dear friend Lonnie Cook. He will recieve a scan May 20th and the doctors will then determine what treatment, if any is next. So pleaseeeee add him to your daily prayers.

June 5th my little brother Hunter is graduating from high school. Not only can I NOT believe it but it makes me feel old. I remember when he was SMALL and now he's graduating from high school. I remember when he was the little freshman and I was the big bad senior. I would take him around... drive him around..I couldnt believe it when he turned 16 and now he's GRADUATING and shortly after graduation he's going to boot camp to be in the Marines. I couldnt express how proud of him I am. But i'm also very sad he wont be here for our wedding and to share that day with us. But I am very proud of him and excited for him and his future.

I woke up this morning to Broady jumping on me...apparently he still thinks he's a puppy AND a lap this picture I'm sure you can tell he's nothing of the sort. But he does like to snuggle =)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wishing it was still the weekend!

Monday's are definately my least favorite days! I wish it was still the weekend and I was still cuddled in our comfty bed sleeping nice and sound!! Our weekend was good.. Friday when I got off work I went home, changed and Chris and I headed to my friend Alyssa's house for her surprise birthday party. We hung out there with friends, ate some pizza, watched her open gifts then headed to Islands Casino (which I might add was LAME) we hung out there for a bit until everyone decided what they wanted to do since it was so boring there so they decided to head to Jokers to continue their night, and Chris and I decided to head home and hit the sack! We were both tired, I had been up since 5am and was looking forward to crawling into bed =)

Saturday I did some laundry and we were quite lazy until meeting Sarah and Thomas at the tux shop at 1 to figure everything out. After about 3 hours of tux shopping we stopped a few places (Like JoAnn's in Richland because they are closing and were having a SALE!) and then went home! Since Tux shopping is ever so exhausting I decided I needed a little cat nap while Chris watched his boring hunting shows. We then went to dinner with some friends at Red Robin and then to apple bees for a few drinks. We didnt get home until like 1230 which for us, is a LATE night. We're an old married couple already =)

Sunday we made our mothers day rounds, Chris helped his friend TJ put up a fence, and went home to PIG OUT! My grandma made taco truck taco's last night and OH MAN it was totally worth not eating all day and waiting for that! I lost 4 pounds last week...which i'm almost positive I put right back on with that feast =) hehe!

Hope everyone's weekend was awesome!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Catering me crazy!

This whole wedding plannins is still NEW to me! At first I was stoked I had 11 months to plan my wedding and I jumped on that RIGHT away! Everyone thought I was crazy because I still had "So much time" especially my father, but lets just assume they are greatful I started when I did. Now we are 4 months 11 days away and I'm starting to feel the bride stress coming full force. I pray that I dont turn into the bridezilla I watch on TV! As far ahead of the game I thought I was, i'm realizing that my list doesnt seem any shorter! The bind i've found myself in this week is FOOD! We have NO IDEA what to do for food for our reception without spending a fortune. We cant accord to shell out thousands of dollars (although we really wish we could!) to cater a wedding for 200 people! Being new to this whole thing I NEED HELP!! Any ideas that you may have that wont leave our wallets dry i'd appreciate it GREATLY!!!!


I'm at work for the day. My great 10 hour shift! and Chris is out fishing with Thomas and enjoying himself! Lucky him!!! I'm so tired, I am ready to go home and CRASH OUT! Hope everyone's having a good Friday! TGIF!

(Chris last time he went fishing)
Let's hope he catches something today!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The beginning

Welcome to our blog! I have been keeping up with the Millward's and thought it was such a neat idea so I wanted to try it out myself! I thought it would come in handy with all the wedding stuff, and the life we start AFTER the wedding fiasco is over! Especially for friends that have their own families so we dont get together as often as we should, kind of like the Millwards, I feel like I'm up to date on Ash's life. Also for family that is not local a good way to keep in touch. I know that there is a blogging section on our wedding website but this blog allows me to post pictures which is ever so exciting with the wedding crazyness going on!! So I hope you enjoy it, and check back often, maybe even find it in yourself to create one of your own! I do love to read them!
So here we go!

We have about 4 months to the wedding and i'd like to think i'm somewhat ahead of the game. We have the place booked, photography booked, engagment photo session scheduled for May 26th so check back to see how those turned out =) More then half of the bridal party gifts in posession. Flower lady booked, we will be going back the end of May to re-do the order, I kind of forgot what I decided to go with (well except for my boquet of course!) and I want to make sure its what WE want before we pay for it in full, which we will do the end of May. Chris was unable to make the first consultation so J went with me and it went very well! I have my dress ( which i really wish I could post a picture of BUT I know Chris will scout this out sooner or later!!) I have my veil, shoes, jewlery. I have the lady that will be doing my hair, makeup, eyelash application booked. We have someone lined up to do our cake, we just need to decide on a final product. I feel like i'm missing something!

Dont get me wrong there's still a lot to do... my stress level is definately rising as every day that passes!

The girls have ordered their dresses..

The bridesmaids will wear this dress (the one on the right, halter one) in this watermellon pink color

Reyna my maid of honor will wear this Mocah strapless dress instead of the mocah bow her sash will be watermellon pink.

These are the flower girl dresses we recieved last week!