Monday, May 11, 2009

Wishing it was still the weekend!

Monday's are definately my least favorite days! I wish it was still the weekend and I was still cuddled in our comfty bed sleeping nice and sound!! Our weekend was good.. Friday when I got off work I went home, changed and Chris and I headed to my friend Alyssa's house for her surprise birthday party. We hung out there with friends, ate some pizza, watched her open gifts then headed to Islands Casino (which I might add was LAME) we hung out there for a bit until everyone decided what they wanted to do since it was so boring there so they decided to head to Jokers to continue their night, and Chris and I decided to head home and hit the sack! We were both tired, I had been up since 5am and was looking forward to crawling into bed =)

Saturday I did some laundry and we were quite lazy until meeting Sarah and Thomas at the tux shop at 1 to figure everything out. After about 3 hours of tux shopping we stopped a few places (Like JoAnn's in Richland because they are closing and were having a SALE!) and then went home! Since Tux shopping is ever so exhausting I decided I needed a little cat nap while Chris watched his boring hunting shows. We then went to dinner with some friends at Red Robin and then to apple bees for a few drinks. We didnt get home until like 1230 which for us, is a LATE night. We're an old married couple already =)

Sunday we made our mothers day rounds, Chris helped his friend TJ put up a fence, and went home to PIG OUT! My grandma made taco truck taco's last night and OH MAN it was totally worth not eating all day and waiting for that! I lost 4 pounds last week...which i'm almost positive I put right back on with that feast =) hehe!

Hope everyone's weekend was awesome!

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