Thursday, May 14, 2009


This week has been quite un-eventful. Chris works Mon-Thurs and has school Mon, Wed and Saturday this week. He gets initiated into the union tonight so he will be gone this evening as well, so needless to say we havent seen a whole lot of each other this week. Mainly just when we are going to bed. Which may be a good thing considering he is trying to quit chewing (again) and my monthly cycle came to visit.... that's not a good combo! Two grouchy pants are never a good thing!! I feel as if i'm starting to catch something on top of having cramps, i've been taking a lot of naps since I worked 5:45 am- 2:30 pm this week. I looove my naps =)

We are still figuring out catering for the wedding. My grandma called a few places, i'm waiting on my dad to get back to me on a place, we're running numbers and trying to come up with a game plan. I'm extremely stressed with the wedding details and finances. I wish I could go to sleep and wake up September 19th with everything in order and ready to go.... what a day dream that is right???

Other then the stress i'm extremely excited for the big day to get here and in a way be over with!! Time is flying I feel like yesterday was October 4th and Chris was knelt on one knee (he had a hard time getting back up lol) and I still had 11 1/2 months to plan, and now its 4 months away!!!! I'm excited/nervous/excited (lol) for that day to get here. I know it will be here before I know it though so I should enjoy the time I have to get things ready!

We don't know what we're doing for a honey moon. If we do something it will be something small and inexpensive like a trip to the coast or something. I'd looooove to go to Hawaii but we'd rather use that big chunk of money to go towards the house we are hoping to start the building process in July! Maybe by the time our 1 year anniversary gets here we'll have some money stashed to go to Hawaii and enjoy our anniversary/late honeymoon on a beach in Hawaii. I've never been there! Infact i've never been anywhere lol except Jamaica like 10+ years ago. Although I remember almost ALL of that trip, it was definately a blast =)

This summer seems like it will be quite busy for us! We have the wedding crazyness, the cancer softball tournament the last weekend of Auguast. We're hoping to plan a family trip to Williams Lake the beginning of August, we didnt get to go last year, and I havent went the couple years before that because they always went the weekend of the softball tournament so I stayed home to take part in that! The softball tournament I hold very close to my heart, its a VERY VERY fun filled weekend with so many amazing people. A lot of the people we only see that weekend through out the whole year, a time for everyone to laugh, have some drinks, remember Linny and support the cause. Sunday's always a good day when we do the raffle, and cut the check to whoever's family this year we are helping out (this has yet to be dertermined) last year was divided between Cooper Larson and Aidan Zaugg. Cooper was able to come spend some time with us over the weekend, Aidian however was too sick. Since then both boys have lost their battles and are in our family prayers always.

Which brings me to remember this... please say a prayer for our dear friend Lonnie Cook. He will recieve a scan May 20th and the doctors will then determine what treatment, if any is next. So pleaseeeee add him to your daily prayers.

June 5th my little brother Hunter is graduating from high school. Not only can I NOT believe it but it makes me feel old. I remember when he was SMALL and now he's graduating from high school. I remember when he was the little freshman and I was the big bad senior. I would take him around... drive him around..I couldnt believe it when he turned 16 and now he's GRADUATING and shortly after graduation he's going to boot camp to be in the Marines. I couldnt express how proud of him I am. But i'm also very sad he wont be here for our wedding and to share that day with us. But I am very proud of him and excited for him and his future.

I woke up this morning to Broady jumping on me...apparently he still thinks he's a puppy AND a lap this picture I'm sure you can tell he's nothing of the sort. But he does like to snuggle =)

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