Monday, May 18, 2009

Total Energy Softball Bash For Cancer!!!

Summer Softball Bash for Cancer

Dates: 8/28 - 8/30
Location: Horn Rapids Complex, Richland.

Dear Fellow Business Associates:

It is that time of year to begin the organization process for this year’s 6th annual softball bash for cancer. Last year’s event produced profits in the amount of $17,200.00 which was disbursed to multiple Cancer Families in need of financial assistance.

A brief background for those of you whom are not familiar with the circumstances surrounding this tournament. Our mother (Lin DeWitt) was diagnosed with Primary Liver Cancer in April of 2004. With no medically accepted treatment for this specific type of cancer, Lin spent 17 months undergoing chemotherapy treatment with a variety of different medicines. Unfortunately, two weeks prior to the 2005 event, Lin succumbed to this dreadful, vicious disease. While not a day goes by that we don’t have Lin in our thoughts and prayers, we feel strongly that it is our mission to forge forward with this event, with hopes that we can brighten the day for another family in need.

At last years event we chose to dedicate a large portion of our efforts to two local families that were in need of our assistance. These two families both had boys that were battling brain cancer. The two young men; Aidan Zaugg, age 7 and Cooper Larsen, age 5 were in the midst of battling this horrible disease. Our mission of using this tournament as a means to give to people who are in need, had never been more clear.

For us to be in a position to carry out the passion and joy of our loved ones that have passed, to these boys and others in our community is beyond words. But what makes this tournament so special is the fact of what it is. It has become so much more than a softball tournament. It is a collection of wonderful, caring, and generous people united to accomplish great things. At last years event when we brought those boys out to the park, even in their weakened state, to see and experience the event was an incredible site. For the hundreds of people in attendance to see where their money and efforts were going. It was an incredibly moving and rewarding moment.

That moment summed up the purpose of our event; for the people of our community to get together in a positive and festive way to benefit our own citizens. Our own neighbors and friends and their friends and anyone else that we hear of that are in need of assistance. And unfortunately, as many of you may know, Aidan and Cooper both lost their battle with cancer. So this year we take the memory of them with us, along with the others that have passed before them, as we head forward to raise more money to bring hope and joy to other families who need it.

The support from family, friends and business associates through the first five years has been overwhelming, and greatly appreciated. At this time we are asking for donations to make this event a successful one, again. Any contribution i.e. cash, gift certificates, supplies would be gladly accepted and appreciated. All proceeds from this event will be donated to local cancer families in need.

Please feel free to contact:
Brad DeWitt: 727-1878
Aaron DeWitt: 727-1891
Mike Kirk: 308-1899
Brad Anderson: 727-1884

All Checks are to be made payable to:
TEM Softball Bash For Cancer
1975 Butler Loop Rd.
Richland, WA. 99352
Or direct deposit donations @
American West Bank - Any Branch
Acct# 4600106357

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