Wednesday, November 11, 2009

#2- Perfect Day

I think today is a PERFECT DAY for this Thankful Post. I think it is VERY appropriate seeing how today is Veterans Day!

For me, today was a very emotional drive to work. Listening to 94.9 and their tribute to all of the fallen soldiers and to everyone that was injured and lost their life in the Fort Hood incident. I couldn't help the tears streaming from my face, even though I myself haven't lost a loved one to the war, I have family and friends serving our country and for that I'm grateful.

I am thankful to every single person that IS or HAS served our country. I am thankful for my cousin Rudy that is a Marine and has been for 3 years. and I am thankful for my little brother Hunter that is at boot camp as we speak. War is a very scary thing to me, the thought of my little brother being there SCARES ME to death! But his courage and drive to defend our country astonishes me. I am so proud of my little brother and my cousin and everyone else that has made the leap into an armed force to help defend our country, a lot of them leaving their families behind.

Some people I went to school with also are in an armed force so not only am I thankful for my family that is in it, (as well as everyone else of course!) but I'm also thankful for my friends/classmates that took that leap as well. Although I don't keep in great contact with any of them as much anymore, I do talk to Mike's wife here and there, I am still very proud to say I was your classmate and at one point or another, your friend. So thank you Mike, Roger, Robby, Cody, Sean, Justin, Rashell and EVERYONE else. You make me a proud sister/cousin/friend/classmate/ and AMERICAN.

Hunter and I at my Bridal Shower 08/09 Rudy and I: Christmas 07

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