Friday, November 13, 2009


I am so proud of myself...4th post in a row! WOOHOO FOR ME!!!!!

Today my thankful post is me being Thankful for WEEKENDS. I am thankful for the 2 FULL days a week that I don't have to work. I am thankful to have a job that allows me to have weekends off with my husband! It allows some much needed 'us' time and when we have a family it will be SO NICE to enjoy our weekends. I worked retail for a few years and VERY VERY rarely did I have A weekend off. Let alone EVERY weekend. I then worked at HAPO for 2 1/2 years, and until I transferred to the Hanford branch my last 6 months there I worked every OTHER Saturday. I got a day off during the week but...what good is that when a lot of my friends worked Mon-Fri?? I am 1. very grateful to have a job with our economy going the way it is. and 2. even more thankful that every Friday at 4:30 I walk out of our business door knowing I have 2 WHOLE DAYS to do what I want, on MY schedule and on MY time. And boy am I thankful for that!!!!

Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC weekend. TGIF!

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