Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I saw this one someone else's post...I thought it would be fun =)

What is his name? Christopher Lee Brodaczynski
How long have you been together? Been together a year and 8 months. Been married 2 months
How long did you date? We dated a year and a half before getting married. We had an 11 month engagement.
How old is he? 24- He will be 25 in April
Who eats more? Chris by far =) I couldn't keep up with him if I tried.
Who said I love you first? Chris- in the parking lot before going to Hogs and Dogs. He always told me he'd never say the "L" word. So he'd always say " I heart you" Which was stinking cute in the beginning. But then we got more serious and it would start to drive me nuts. So when he finally said the "L" word I was on cloud 9 =)
Who is taller? He is! I love it.
Who can sing better? We both give it our best shot =) He does sing to me all the time though and I love it. Our first dance as a married couple he sang the whole song to me. Melted my heart.
Who is smarter? Chris is naturally smart. So he definitely wins this one. He is smart when it comes to EVERYTHING. He does awesome in school and in his job. I am so very proud of him. I love how smart he is, and he is quite the handy man =)
Who does the laundry? That would be ME! Its not my favorite thing but I love my washer and dryers which makes it an easier job =)
Who pays the bills? ME! and i'm OCD when it comes to them haha
Who sleeps on the right side? Chris does. Always has!
Who mows the lawn? Chris does, our agreement since we've lived on our own has been he takes care of everything on the outside, me on the inside. Makes it nice.
Who cooks dinner? ME 99% of the time. Chris will BBQ but that's about it. Which is OK with me. I've found a new love for cooking (more so when it turns out good!)
Who drives? Chris does, unless he's been drinking or sick or something.
Who is more stubborn? Surprisingly, Me. Chris is good at letting things go. I on the other hand am not so good.
Who kissed who first? Chris kissed ME first =)
Who proposed? Chris did. and it was AMAZING. I couldn't have asked for a more romantic, fun, meaningful proposal.
Who has more friends? We pretty much have the same friends now. Which means we both don't have a lot of them haha.
Who is more sensitive? Depends on the situation
Who has more siblings? ME. 5 brothers!
Who wears the pants? Well i learned at my bridal shower that he thinks he does. He couldn't be MORE WRONG. I know most girls say they do. but I honestly think ours is equal. We have a pretty equal marriage, and i think we balance each other out wonderfully.

Today I am thankful for our jobs. I am thankful we both have good jobs and continue to work. I am thankful that we are blessed enough to contribute equally. We both work our butts off for everything we have. We are able to pay our bills and still do some recreation on the side. We are able to keep a roof over our head and transportation from point A to point B. AND keep food on our table! I am thankful that the tri-cities hasnt really been hit with the negatives from our economy like other places have.

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