Thursday, November 12, 2009

#3- The Air I Breathe

Today my thankful post is very SAD. But bare with me =)

I am thankful for the very air I breathe. This may seem like a much to "broad" thankful post...but allow me to elaborate.

I am thankful for the air I breathe because tomorrow int promised. Tomorrow is promised, an hour from now isn't pro
mised, a minute from now isn't promised.

Yesterday a girl I went to high school with lost her life. At a young age of 22, a senior in College with a whole lot of life before her. She was hit by a car, and was taken off of life support once her parents arrived from Texas. Brittany and I were not best friends by any means, in fact we rarely hung out unless our groups were at the same place. The thought of someone I KNEW lost her life has been hard to juggle. My thoug
hts and prayers go out to her close family, friends and sorority. I know she has touched MANY people's lives, and her memory will never fade.

Someone you know, so young, losing their life makes some things that have been buried away so much more clear. Never take your life or the people in it for granite, for tomorrow isn't promised, and either is the rest of today.

Here is a picture of Brittany, Breaks my heart to see such a young life lost.

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