Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Slacking Big Time!

I know! I've been HORRIBLE once again! Shame on me! But like I said, our lives are pretty boring =)

Tomorrow I'm having a Lia Sophia jewelry party! It should be a good time with good people and good food =) So I really hope you can all make it!

Yesterday I ordered our Christmas Cards to send out like we did last year. I know it might seem a little early, but I was reading a blog that I check in on and it gave a promo code for 50 Free ones and I was like Heck yeah! That's a great deal that saved me 25+$! If you do Christmas cards for your family, let me know and i'll give you the information. Its only valid until 11/30.

I decided that I'm going to try Dave Ramsey. Not because we are in tremendous debt, but because I want to SAVE A LOT OF MON
EY! I was reading his success stories on his website and WOW! I also know people that have use him, and continue to use him and they all SWEAR by him. So I am excited to give him a try and see the benefits!

I decided that it's not fair of me to check people's blogs everyday and be disappointed when there is nothing new to read ( I LOVE reading people's blogs) when my blog itself isn't updated!! So from now on I'm going to do Ashley's blogging challenge. Every day for the month of November (starting today) I will blog about somet
hing/someone I am thankful for. This should give me the kick to update as I should, and get me in the habit of doing so as well! I know Today being 11/10 that means I am TEN days OVER-DUE but I will not stop my challenge until 12/10 so it is A MONTH of straight blogging!

SO to start off my 1st day of the challenge:

I am thankful for my amazing husband. He works his butt off every week to provide the best he can for us. He worked SO HARD on getting our yard put in and our fence up so we could start our lives together in our new home. He tells me a hundred times a day how much he loves me, and reminds me of how beautiful I am. He listens when I need to vent, and is my biggest support system. He loves me unconditionally and I am so blessed and thankful for that. He does everything within his power to better himself and better us as a couple. He does things for me without having to ask, and accompanies me to places (like the craft store) just to keep me company. I am so very proud of him for every single thing he does for himself and for us. Anyone that knew him before we started dating tells me how big of a turn around he has done since we have been dating, and I'm so thankful that he saw me (even before he really knew me) as someone he wanted to better his life for. He spoils me, and loves me more then anything everyday. and I am SO THANKFUL every night I go to bed with him, and every morning when I wake up to him. He is the best husband ever and I know will make an AMAZING daddy someday! I love you honey! With every inch of my being =)

My Husband hard at work =)

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