Wednesday, February 3, 2010

26 Days of L-O-V-E

My fellow blogger and good friend Ashley brought up doing 28 days of love to me a few weeks ago and I LOVED the idea. But I totally forgot about it until I read her blog this morning and realized she started! SO instead of 28 days I will do 26 days.. Since I've already missed 2 days this month.

The 26 days of love will be yet again another blogging challenge =) Everyday I will blog about someone I love. These past few months I feel like all of my relationships have been distant. Trying to get settled into the married life and home owner life and juggling friendships is A LOT harder then I ever expected. SO not only is this challenge a good way to start making my blogging a habit, but letting the people in my life know that I do love them!! And I miss them all dearly! I LOVE to spread love, and do things for other people. I love giving gifts in fact I love it so much I have a hard time holding onto gifts which is why I wait until someones BIRTHDAY to buy their gift, or i cant store it for too long without giving in!!

So today I am going to start with no one other then my husband =) I dont know where I'd be in life without him. He's just plain amazing. He is by far the smartest person I know. He is good at everything he does. I love how "handy" he is and is always doing things around the house like painting, hanging stuff for me, etc. He does more for me then I could ever ask for. He spoils me to the max. He is my support system, and I love him for putting up with me when i'm grouchy or just having a bad day. These last couple of weeks I've been SO SO SO tired and I dont know why. But he's been so supportive! He works his butt off full time, school full time and is still able to give me everything a husband should AND then some. Thank you hunny for being such a great husband! I love you dearly and am SO SO SO proud of you for all your hard work and dedication!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, you guys are so cute! I love it! The love blog post are an awesome idea!!!
