Thursday, February 18, 2010


Anyone that knows me..knows that my family is my everything. I take pride in my family, and I'd have to say hands down, I have the best there is (although i'm sure some of you beg to differ ;) ) I have always been SO close to my family. We have regular sunday dinners, celebrate everyone's birthday like its their last one, and we have a great time. My aunt Jaime has ALWAYS been there for me. She is one of the few people I feel like I can talk to... and if its something confident, I know it will stay between us. Anything I need..or need help with..she's always there. Like the starbucks cup for instance :) but really...even with more important stuff haha. Jaime- Thank you for always being there! Thank you for being one of the best aunts a girl could ask for =)

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