Friday, February 5, 2010

L-O-V-E Post #3

3 in a row? Go me! Although I will probably do all of my posting from the weekend on Monday because we have yet to get a new computer! It is on the to-get list though!

Anywayyyys.. My post today is going to be about my cousin Ashely. Ever since I was young I looked up to her! She was always my gorgeous older cousin that I felt so cool to hang around. As I grew up we got close on a whole new level. A more.."adult" level. I can tell her anything and everything (even the gross TMI stuff hah) and know that 1. I can trust her completely with the information I give her and 2. She will give me the best advice she can! She is always one of the first people I go to with problems, good news, bad news, any news really. When I think I cant do something she reminds me that I can. I try my hardest to be there for her the same way she is with me, and I think I do a pretty good job at it. She's like a sister I've never had. Sometimes you never understand why things happen to such good people. But I know God has GREAT things in store for Ashley. If you cant get through it, he wont bring you to it. I love you Ash!

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