Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today my post is about my Grandma Lin =) I don't even know where to start except Today would've been her 65th birthday. There are usually a few days that seem to be especially harder than others, today being one of those. I never knew what it was like to miss someone so much it hurt. Oh man what i'd do to hear her voice, give her a hug, or get one of her "big wet ones". She was SUCH an AMAZING woman. I LOVE when I run into people that recognize my last name and say "Any relation to Lin" and I say yes she was my grandma. And they have SOO many nice things to say. It usually brings tears to my eyes and so much joy knowing all of the people she has touched. Linny: I miss you more then words could EVER describe but I find peace knowing you are no longer suffering and we will one day be reunited. I know you'd LOVE Chris and be so proud of us. I also know that you are up there giving all those angels a run for their money, and kicking some butt in aerobics. Give Lonnie a BIG BIG hug for me. I love you =)

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