Sunday, February 21, 2010


This post is another one of those that are typically the first one or two. Today's post is about my Daddy =) My dad is such an amazing guy. Although we don't always see eye to eye, I have come to realization that its completely normal. At the end of the day hes still my dad and in my heart i'll always be a "daddy's girl." We have over-come a lot in our relationship. From the divorce, to the passing of my Grandma, to the recent passing of Lonnie. All in which I can see now, has made us a lot closer. We went through one of the hardest days of our lives, together. We struggled with the death of Linny and Lonnie, together. We were together when my Grandma took her last breath, and we were together when we got the phone call that Lonnie joined God in heaven. We cried together, and held on to each other. I know that a lot of people say they have the best dad...but I think mine just might take the cake. He is so strong, selfless, and never stops loving. He's loved me at the times when I dont think i'm loveable, and he's helped me up whenever I fall down. He's done a lot for both Chris and I, and we could NEVER express our appreciaton for him. He's there in all the bad times, but also there for all the good. I will always love my dad endlessly and will always consider myself Daddys girl.

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